Friday, July 6, 2007


ya that is right,
i have one.
but i don't
know how long
i am going to
keep it.
so try and see
me before i cut
it all off.


jessie estupinan said...

A Mullet!? You should have posted a picture! Too bad i wont be at church this weekend..don't shave it off untill next week? :D

David Hughes said...

oooo :) take a picture!

Carson Leith said...

i did a new blog like you asked in your comment.

David T. Ulrich said...

dude - its HARDLY a mullet, more like a BULLet.

not like a bullet - but like a cow manure.

de(von)licious said...

no dave, it is so a mullet, it is like the coolest thing ever

Songbird. said...

My opinion... leave it.

cephalothorax said...


Anonymous said...

u should leave it!

jordan said...

please leave it forever.
i absolutely adore it.

oh and if you didn't figure it out from this comment, i do have a blog. just not a commonly used one :)

Mel East said...

hey landon its mel breas sister had a blast in africa! you are so good with the kids i was jealous! kk glad you cut your mullet with a KNIFE!! lol

Erin Brady said...

I'm so glad that nasty thing is gone :) sorry